Monday 31 October 2011

Analysing music video using Goodwin.

Professor Green ft. Emeli Sande - 'Read all about it'

Visual + Lyrics:
The first visual lyric I noticed was when he says "to be, I'm exactly what my neck say's". At which point, the raper Green, turns to the side to show the camera what is on his neck, a tattoo saying 'Lucky'. A few seconds later he starts talking about family and the visuals is of a kid looking into a families house, which we later discover is his dad's house, staring at his dad's partner and thier daughter. The lyrics read "family is something that you've never been to me'. As the kid is looking at his dad's partner and daughter, its telling us that he hasn't got on with them as she isn't his real mum. "Making it harder for me to see my father" is the next lyric, which is said when the video shows the step-mum noticing the kid (her partners son) at the window. The lyrics along with the visuals there then help the audience to acknowledge the relationship between the two of them.
After the second chorus the lyrics are about his dad, this is when, in the video, his dad comes out to get him and takes him inside but doesn't want his partner to see them together. "the only thing was i never saw enough of you" is the lyric when it shows the kid going to hold his dad's hand and smiling while doing so. This is showing that he misses his dad and the lyrics help explain this more.
Another main part between visuals an lyrics is when the chorus comes on for the 5th time, its a calmed down version but it says "I want to sing, I want to shout, I want to scream till the words dry out" and the visual is of a close-up of the kid screaming with his eyes shut and hands over his ears. This is a very clear connection between the lyrics and visuals.

Visuals + Music:
The chorus at the start has been done so it is less intense as there is less music to aid the lyrics. This has been shown in the cuts as they are longer shots of the singers and of the house in the story side to the video. It then cuts to Professor Green the second the verse starts and he speaks so that it is in time with the music. The verse has a quicker beat to it, so the editing picks up the pace too. Each shot is shortened to fit in time with the music.
Through out the video, the chorus is edited so the clips last longer and the cuts aren't as often apart from the second to last chorus (the 5th). The clips are cut faster to match the music as this chorus is more intense than the others, but also there is more action going on in the visuals. The kid is throwing bits around in a room because he is angry, so his mood can also be reflected in the clips.

Genre Characteristics:
 This genre is hip-hop/rap so you would expect to see maybe a few dancers around the rapper/singer to make them look better but in this video it isn't the case. The rapper is shown in a big warehouse, which shows him as being isolated. This is mainly to do with what the song is about, which is to do with his parents not being there for him, he is alone. Quite a few hip-hop/rap videos don't often show a story to it either, it just cuts from the artist singing to kind of random clips. This however is showing a story that is linked to the lyrics, which emphesises what the artist is trying to get across to the audience, as he is telling the audience via both hearing and sight.

Demands of the Label: 
There are loads of close-ups, mid-shots and long-shots of the artist but less variation on the featuring artist. This is mainly because she is the featuring artist and not the main artist. This is good as it is selling both the artists. There isn't any obvious product placement and the artists and the actors are wearing fairly plain, with not obvious branding or logos.

The style that Professor Green has achieved when rapping is similar to that of a few of Eminem's videos, he is alone in a big empty space. Also the beginning shot where Green is stood infront of the beam of light through the crack in the massive hanger doors seems familiar from a film of some sort but i can't remember what film it was. It seems like an effect that has been done before though.

There isn't a lot of voyeurism in this music video as it isn't the kind of song that would have much in. There is some due the the artist and featuring artist being in the video but they aren't being objectified. 

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