Tuesday 18 October 2011

Shooting day comments

Before filming we were quite worried that we would not have enough people to make the filming and idea successful as we thought that a big group of people would look and have a more effective feel in the video. On the day of filming we had 10 people participating, and we actually found this amount to be ideal. This was because we realised that a smaller group would look more effective as it would portray a close group of friends. We also thought that it would also allow us to focus on specific actions and get more involved in the general action in the video.

We also found that when Me and Charlotte were shopping for food/supplies that we were going to use as props in the video that we did not need as much as anticipated. We brought a range of food that we did include in our food list e.g. ketchup, beans, doughnuts, cherryade etc. but cut the amounts down as we did not feel that we would need as much. This was because we did not have as many people as anticipated participating in the filming and also because we generally thought that the amount that we originally wrote down was too much.

The weather was a really good point about the filming as it was a really nice and sunny day, and this worked in our favor. We were really pleased that it was a sunny day because our ideas for our video were very much based around a summery feel in order to emphasise the happy, and summery day atmosphere which we wanted to portray.

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