Wednesday 30 November 2011

Digipack and Magazine ad planning

We were thinking of using this as our magazine ad. We feel that the concept would work really well, the only down side to using this image wqould be that where isnt alot of space to write the info around it. Although it really does focus on our food fight concept.

Charlotte did a photo shoot of the products and food which was used in the food fight. We feel that this could also work really well as a magazine idea asw it is more simplistic and and also gives more space to allow the prodct infomation to be released.

We feel that these images would work best as the Digipak as it allows the concept to be stretched to friendship rather than just the food concept. It allows the band to be know from other songs which arent just related to food.

These Images are all ideas for our magazine ad and digi pak. We narrowed it down to these few as we felt they all showed a clear theme and linked well together. But as we didn't want the Digi Pak to focus on the one video we felt that the last image would be better for the whole album as it shows the Artist as a Group rather than a solo artist, which the top image would have suggested. 

 We also liked the idea of using the cans of food as our album is all about teeange years and summer which is heavily linked to food, we decided on using this as our Magazine Ad as we have many different ideas to try out regarding where the text would go, etc.

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