Wednesday 30 November 2011

Research into a director's commentary

Director's commentaries are a way of the 'director' to explain their choices within a scene, music video or film, why they specifically wanted a shot to be in a particular place, or the location of a scene for example. The director usually explains their choices for costume design and location and saying his opinions behind them. Director's commentaries give a chance for the director to evaluate their work, mention what they particularly liked about the scene and their main reasons for why they chose it and what they thought worked best. Although it also gives the opportunity for them to say what was more difficult about working in a particular loaction and what could have been improved as a whole. Particularly the main reasons for a director's commentary is for them to explain their choice and what the story was that they wanted to create.

Commentaries can be produced in many different ways, although the most popular is using a voice over over the top footage. This gives a chance for the veiwer to see which part is being analyzed, it gives a chance for them to hear the comments and analyse at the same time. Another way that commentries can be presented is by cutting inbetween showing the director talking about the footage in different sections, then after, the clip is then shown to the veiwer to be analysed.

the first example can be seen here:

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